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Diabetes Stages – What You Need to Know

Type 2 Diabetes Stages

Type 1 diabetes can be staged as follow:

– Stage 1: Liver, fat, and muscle cells have difficulty absorbing glucose and resist insulin. However, the pancreas still produces more insulin to compensate and stabilize blood sugar levels.

– Stage 2: This stage is also called prediabetes when cells resist insulin. As a result, extra insulin produced by the pancreas cannot reduce sugar levels in the blood. Blood glucose levels may be higher than usual, but not enough to be diagnosed as diabetes.

– Stage 3: Levels of blood sugar in this stage are abnormally high. Beta cell dysfunction and insulin resistance may result in many issues.

– Stage 4: High blood sugar may lead to vascular complications, such as peripheral neuropathy, heart failure, coronary artery disease, chronic kidney disease, albuminuria, and stroke. [5]