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Chills and Migraine: Connection, Treatments & More

Why Do Chills Might Occur with Migraines?

In addition to the throbbing pain and common symptoms, migraines may also lead to chills during any stage of an attack. In some cases, chills would show up several hours or days before a migraine episode.

In general, migraine may cause bot functional and structural changes in the brain. Some studies have found changes in particular neurons, regions, receptors, and molecules in the brain when migraines occur. Commonly affected regions include the cortex, brain stem, and hypothalamus. It is believed that neurological changes in these brain regions lead to chills, which are regulated by the hypothalamus. In addition, muscle movement is controlled by the cerebral cortex. And we all know that chills happen when muscles tighten and relax involuntarily. [3]