Fitness & WellnessFood & Nutrition

15 Health Benefits of Magnesium

Magnesium is a mineral that seems to have a not-so-important ring to it. But do you know that no metabolism can take place in your body without the aid of magnesium? Yeah, that is how important this electrolyte this. Some studies say it is the 2nd most abundant mineral in the body because it is present everywhere in your body. Here are 15 health benefits of magnesium

Healthy and Strong Bones

Bones are the frames on which our skins hang on. Without them, the human body will not be able to take a form or shape. Therefore, it is very much essential to keep our bones strong for healthy and active living. Magnesium is one essential mineral necessary for the formation of a healthy and strong bony structure. This mineral contributes to the formation of healthy bones by stimulating thyroid gland’s production of calcitonin (which preserves the bones in the body) and regulates parathyroid hormone (which regulates the breakdown of bones in the body).[1]