Your Health

12 Common Bug Bites and How to Identify Their Symptoms

Spider Bites

Spider bites tend to lead to minor symptoms, such as pain, swelling, and red skin at the affected area. Most cases are not poisonous. But if you are bitten by a poisonous species, such as brown recluse or black widow, it may lead to serious complications. For instance, a bite by black widows may appear as 2 puncture marks, which can be painful at first. After around 30 minutes, you would have rigidity and muscle pain, back and stomach pain, vomiting and nausea, as well as trouble breathing. [2]

Flea Bites

Like lice or bed bug bites, flea bites show up as red bumps in clusters and lines. They are usually small and characterized by red halos around. Fleas mostly bite around the ankles or around warm body parts, such as the armpits, groin, and knees. You may feel very itchy around the affected area. These spots may also become painful and sore, or lead to a rash. Avoid scratching flea bites as it may worsen the symptoms or even result in an infection. [3]