Ailments & Conditions

Symptoms of Esophageal Cancer that You Should Know

Hoarseness and Persistent Cough

Hoarseness is another potential sign of esophageal cancer. You may need to clear the throat regularly or experience a loss of voice. This symptom often occurs in the early stages of cancer, particularly when there is not a clear cause. Hoarseness typically happens when the tumor affects the recurrent laryngeal nerve. Inform your doctor when your voice becomes breathy, strained, or raspy without a recent infection or cold. [5]

Around 1 out of 5 people with esophageal cancer report a persistent or chronic cough. Unlike the usual cough, it is typically annoying and dry. You may cough any time during the day. The sensation would become worse after eating due to other symptoms and complications of growing tumors in the esophagus. Make sure to inform and consult your doctor if a cough persists too long and affects your daily life. [6]