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Metastatic Breast Cancer: Prognosis and Survival Rate

Survival Rates for Metastatic Breast Cancer

It is estimated that the five-year survival rate for people with metastatic breast cancer is almost 30 percent after the initial diagnosis. This is significantly lower than the earlier stages of breast cancer. On average, the five-year survival rate for all stages is up to 90 percent. Since you may have more chance to survival in the early stages, it is very important to get an early diagnosis and treatment. Even when you are diagnosed with metastatic breast cancer, keep in mind that the right treatment would help boost your longevity and quality of life. [5]

Signs and Symptoms of Metastatic Breast Cancer

Depending on the organs where cancer cells have spread to, symptoms of metastatic breast cancer can vary.

– Cancer cells in bones: bone pain and weakened bones

– Cancer cells in brain: balancing or walking problems, nausea, vision issues, behavior changes, seizures, serious headaches

– Cancer cells in liver: nausea, vomiting, feeling full or lack of appetite after a small meal, weight loss, itchy skin, jaundice, pain around the right shoulder blade, abdominal pain

– Cancer cells in lungs: hoarseness, chest pain, breathing problems, chronic cough, coughing up blood, or weakness [6]