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Metastatic Breast Cancer: Prognosis and Survival Rate

Which Factors Affect Prognosis of Metastatic Breast Cancer

Certain factors may affect the prognosis of metastatic breast cancer. These may include the overall health, age, affected type of tissue, hormone receptors on cancer cells, extend of metastasis, and the patient’s overall outlook or attitude. None of these factors may help your healthcare provider predict the precise prognosis. However, combining all of the available information may help them predict the course of metastatic breast cancer. [3]

Statistics on Prognosis of Metastatic Breast Cancer

Over the last few years, new statistics on prognosis of metastatic breast cancer are quite promising. These include:

– Survival rates tend to be higher in women with better economic conditions

– The overall survival rate has significantly increased over the last decade. This is mainly due to an improvement in targeted treatment as well as early screening and diagnosis

– Many women with metastatic breast cancer have better life expectancy than those in the past [4]