Ailments & ConditionsYour Health

Menorrhagia and the Health Risks of Heavy Periods

How Much Is Heavy Bleeding?

It can be hard to have a precise definition of heavy bleeding because it can vary between different people. Heavy for a person might be usual for others. On average, most women often lose between 30 to 40 milliliters of blood during a menstrual cycle. Losing more than 80 milliliters or having a period in more than 1 week can be seen as a sign of menorrhagia. However, this is just for reference. Below is a guideline to help you determine whether you are experiencing a heavy period:

– Use both sanitary pads and tampons at the same time

– Bleed through bleeding or clothes

– Pass blood clots bigger than 2.5 centimeters

– Change sanitary products every one or two hours [3]