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Klinefelter Syndrome – Facts to Know


Signs of Klinefelter syndrome can vary a lot among people with the condition. Many males only have few or mild symptoms. In fact, the disorder would remain undiagnosed until they reach adulthood or it might never be detected. For others, Klinefelter syndrome can lead to some noticeable effects on their appearance or growth. Also, signs can vary with age.

In children, possible symptoms include weak muscles, delay in speaking, slow motor development, birth issues. In teenagers, they can have tall stature, long legs, broad hips, short torso, delayed or absent puberty, small penis, small testicles, weak bones, low energy levels, shyness, and difficulty in spelling, writing, or reading. Men with Klinefelter can have low sperm count, low sex drive, small penis and testicles, weak bones, belly fat, and decreased body hair. [3]