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Low Blood Pressure Symptoms

Low blood pressure, also known as hypotension, occurs when your reading is lower than 90 millimeters of mercury. It would be caused by many reasons, from surgical disorders to dehydration. It is essential to determine the underlying cause so that you can be treated properly. When there are no signs present, low blood isn’t actually a concern. Nevertheless, when it leads to symptoms, which would indicate that your organs do not get enough blood to function normally. Here are 10 common symptoms of low blood pressure that you need to look out for.

Blurred Vision

One of the most common signs of low blood pressure is a blurred or dim vision. It would make you feel like having a filter in front of the eyes and everything is not in focus, especially after intensive physical activities or standing up too quickly. Old adults are at a higher risk of experiencing this issue due to a weakened cardiovascular system. Pregnant women can also experience a blurred vision and should be careful when changing their position from sitting. The condition would affect the whole line of sign or a part of the vision. Depending on the level of intensity, you can have it in one or two eyes. [1]