Ailments & ConditionsYour Health

Down Syndrome – Things You Need to Know – Facts, Causes & Symptoms

Mosaic Down Syndrome

This is also another typical way at which Down syndrome occur in the body of those of have it. Many of them got this disease from the mosaic Down syndrome, which arises from the combination of different cells with the normal set of 21 chromosomes that supposed to be the formation of the new human embryo. But these different cells that are not needed got mixed together with the normal chromosomes resulting to (47+2). The normal cells that were in addition to the normal chromosomes will then give or produce the same adverse effects as those down syndrome causes by trisomy 21 replication. Its effects will also be evident in both the physical status of the patient and the mental incapabilities as well.

In lieu of the above discussion, it is pivotal that I also brief us about what genotype really is and what it as to do with Down syndrome. Genotype refers to the genetic makeup in the body structure of an individual. However, the genetic makeup for most of the Down syndrome patients is about 47+2, which is abnormal in quantity. Furthermore, a phenotype is the result of the deficiency of the effects in the physical state and functional expression in the patients. In respect to those who are Down syndrome patients, there is significant variability in their phenotype, therefore, it is good we put our minds on test results. [3]