Ailments & ConditionsYour Health

Common Types of Hernias

Umbilical Hernia

An umbilical hernia is a condition that happens when part of the intestine bulges through the opening of abdominal muscles around the navel, also known as the bellybutton. This type is not uncommon and often harmless. Most cases are reported in infants, but adults can also be affected. Possible causes include abdominal surgery, excess fluid in the abdominal cavity, multiple pregnancies, frequent pregnancies, being overweight, and persistent cough. In small kids, an umbilical hernia would be particularly clear when they cry, which causes the navel to protrude. This is one of the most typical signs of an umbilical hernia. Though most cases are harmless, if your baby shows any symptom of pain or vomiting, make sure to seek medical attention as it would indicate some serious complications. In children, if the umbilical hernia is not closed by the age of 5, then surgery may be needed later to close it. [5]