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Can You Get HPV from Kissing? Things to Know

Can You Get HPV From Kissing?

Some studies have shown that kissing may be associated with the spreading of HPV. However, there is no direct link has been found between HPV contraction and kissing. Kissing is actually not considered a common way of passing HPV like oral or vaginal sex. However, scientists note that this activity may still play a part in the transmission of the virus orally. More research is still needed before we would rule out the possibility completely. [3]

How Is HPV Spread from Kissing?

It has been shown that oral sex may spread HPV. Certain studies suggest that the risk of contracting HPV is higher when you have more oral sex over time. However, it can be challenging to separate kissing from these oral intimate activities. This makes it difficult for scientists to determine exactly whether kissing or other forms of oral sex is the main way of spreading the virus. Basically, HPV can be passed from person to person through skin-to-skin contact. Therefore, it can be assumed that a person with the virus may spread it from his or her mouth to that of the other through kissing. [4]