Autism is a neurodevelopmental disorder that causes many social interactions and communication issues. People with this condition usually have stereotyped, repetitive, and limited patterns of behavior or interests. People of all economic backgrounds, cultures, and races would suffer from autism. While there is currently no cure, many treatment options can help improve the quality of life and relieve common symptoms. Below are 10 autism signs you need to know for early treatments.
Discomfort to Unexpected Changes
People with autism tend to rely on some daily routines to feel secure and stable. Therefore, any unexpected changes in their schedules or plans could be upsetting. The same goes for unfamiliar events or new occasions. For instance, they can be angry, frightened, or upset when a hiking trip is canceled due to bad weather. Without a plan or schedule, these people would forget to do some important tasks, such as taking medications or even eating. And when things do not occur as they are supposed to, autistic people can feel panicked. [1]