Ailments & Conditions

10 Signs And Symptoms of Anemia

Shortness of Breath, Mouth or Tongue Swelling

Anemia leads to low levels of haemoglobin, which plays a key role in enabling red blood cells to transport oxygen to different parts of the body. Therefore, the muscles would not receive sufficient oxygen to perform simple tasks. To compensate for this, the breathing rate needs to increase, which causes shortness of breath. People with anemia tend to find themselves out of breath during physical activities that are simple, such as climbing stairs, working out, or walking. [2]

Looking at the outside or inside of the mouth may help determine whether you have anemia. A deficiency of iron in the body would lead to an abnormally smooth, pale, inflamed, or swollen tongue. The areas around the mouth may be affected as well. This leads to other symptoms like a dry mouth, mouth ulcers, a burning sensation in the mouth, as well as red or sore cracks at the mouth’s corners. [3]