Your Health

Side Effects of Hand Sanitizers and Other Disinfectants

Skin Irritation

Hand sanitizers are generally antiseptic, meaning that they are made to disinfect the skin. This effect is mainly responsible by disinfecting ingredients like isopropyl or ethyl alcohol. They are often added with fragrances or thickeners softeners to mask the strong odor of alcohol. All of these components may cause skin irritation and skin dryness if applied excessively. In people with sensitive skin, the effects are especially worse. To prevent, try soap and warm water for washing hands instead whenever you can. If you keep using hand sanitizers regularly, it is advisable to moisturize the skin after with occlusives or humectants. Humectants like hyaluronic acid may attract water to the skin, while occlusive would form a film on the skin to retain moisture. [2]