Fast Food
Fast food, such as French fries, hamburgers, or hot dogs, typically go through the process of deep frying in partially hydrogenated oil. Studies have found that consuming these products too much would be link to a higher risk of anxiety and depression. Also, many processed foods contain a lot of refined carbs and sugar, which would also worsen anxiety and symptoms of depression. For these reasons, it is better to limit your consumption of fast food and processed food. Instead, go for more nutritious and fresh foods. [5]
High-Sodium Food
Sodium is usually added to many foods to add flavor or serve as additives or preservatives. Scientists have found that this substance may affect certain aspects of the neurological system. As a result, it would lead to depression and fatigue. Consuming too much sodium-containing foods in the diet may disrupt the emotional state and worsen anxiety symptoms. So, try to reduce your consumption of high-sodium foods, such as shrimp, ham, cottage cheese, salad dressing, and pizza. [6]