Your Health

Alprazolam (Xanax): How Long It Stays in Your System

How Long Does Alprazolam Appear On Drug Tests?

The time that alprazolam appears on drug tests can vary:

– Hair: The medication may stay on head hair for 3 up to 12 months as this part of the body does not grow quickly.

– Blood: The length of alprazolam in the blood can vary in different blood tests. Most individuals have around half the dose of the medication in the blood within one day. Nevertheless, it would take a couple of days or even longer until the substance is completely removed from the body.

– Urine: Not every test may identify alprazolam in the urine. This period may last around 5 days.

– Saliva: Alprazolam may appear on a test using a saliva sample within 2.5 days after taking the medication.

Keep in mind these numbers may vary, depending on the sensitivity of the test and the speed of breaking down alprazolam by the body. [5]