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7 Things You Need to Know About Gallbladder Surgery

Types of Gallbladder Surgery

There are two common types of gallbladder surgery – laparoscopic surgery and traditional open surgery – with the formal being preferred over the latter. The reason for this decision isn’t farfetched. Laparoscopic is less invasive with a speedy recovery.

However, due to specific complications, open surgery may be a better choice, such as a severely diseased gallbladder with a higher tendency of affecting the surrounding area. This particular complication makes laparoscopic surgical procedure more challenging.

Similarly, a patient with a history of abdominal surgeries may have inflammation occurring near the area of the gallbladder; resulting in a complicated process for a surgical operation such as laparoscopic removal. At times, a surgeon may commence the gallbladder removal with laparoscopic surgery, but find it really challenging and unsafe to remove the gallbladder. In such case, the surgeon will complete the surgical procedure using an open fashion method. [1]