Ailments & Conditions

What Is an Allergic Reaction?

Possible Complications of an Allergic Reaction

An allergic reaction may increase the risk of other medical conditions. These include:

– Asthma: People with allergies are more prone to asthma. This is a reaction of the immune system that affects the breathing and airways. It typically occurs when you are exposed to an allergen.

– Infections of the lungs and ears: If you have asthma or hay fever, the risk of these infections tends to be higher.

– Anaphylaxis: This is a sudden and severe allergic reaction that may occur only seconds after an exposure to allergens. It may lead to life-threatening symptoms, such as a severe and sudden drop in blood pressure, inability to breathe, and swollen airway. Insect stings, medications, and foods are the most common causes of anaphylaxis. [4]