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What is a Knee Fracture

Types of Knee Fractures

There are many forms of knee fractures. Each type has different symptoms and treatment options:

– Stable fracture: This form is nondisplaced. Bone pieces might stay in contact with others or be separated a bit. Imaging techniques can show stable and vertical fractures.

– Displaced fracture: In this type, the broken parts of the bone can do not lined up properly and could be separated. The usually smooth joint surface can be disrupted as well. Surgery is often needed to put these pieces back together.

– Comminuted fracture: The bone might shatter into several pieces. It can be either unstable or stable, depending on the pattern of the injury.

– Open fracture: As the name implies, an open fracture causes the bone fragments to stick out through the skin. It might involve damage to surrounding soft tissues, which might take more time to heal. [4]