Ailments & Conditions

What are the Early Signs of Melanoma?

Other Signs

In addition to the ABCDE method, there are some other signs of melanoma that you need to know. These include:

– Elevated moles: Around 1/5 cases of melanomas are nodular melanomas. This type is mainly characterized by elevated moles. You can touch them to feel a bump or see whether they are raised.

– Growing moles: Despite their size or color, it is suspicious when a mole grows. Make sure to inform your doctor even when it is the only symptom. Nodular melanomas tend to grow quickly, so make sure to address them as soon as possible.

– Firm areas: When the moles are benign, they look quite similar to other parts of the skin. When you feel a firm mole, it can be suspicious. Use the finger to check for the mole’s firmness [6].