Bleach Bath
Taking a bleach bath can be a simple and effective way to reduce the symptoms of eczema and other bacterial infections on the skin. All you need to do is to add a half cup of bleach to the bathtub full of water and soak the body for around 10 minutes. Rinse thoroughly with warm water and then moisturize the skin. Choose household bleaches and avoid concentrated products, which may cause side effects on the skin. Take a bleach bath 2 to 3 times per week to get the desired effects. [1]
Steroid Creams
You may consult your doctor for certain prescription steroid ointments or creams. These medications can be applied directly to the skin to repair affected cells and relieve itching. Make sure to moisturize the skin in advance to ensure effectiveness. After an application, make sure to avoid direct sunlight. Some steroid creams may contain calcineurin inhibitors, which may inhibit the immune system to control symptoms of eczema on the skin. Avoid overuse of these products as they may lead to some side effects, especially skin thinning. [2]