Ailments & Conditions

Intractable (Drug-Resistant) Epilepsy – What To Know

Causes of Intractable Epilepsy

It is still unclear what causes intractable epilepsy. Nevertheless, scientists have suggested certain theories about the possible causes:

– Neural network: Seizures may inhibit the natural antiseizure network in the body and prevent antiepilepsy drugs from targeting the right neurons.

– Pharmacokinetic: Efflux transporters, which eliminate toxic wastes from cells, may be overactive and lower levels of antiepilepsy drugs in the body.

– Gene variant: Genes associated with the transportation of antiepilepsy drugs may result in drug resistance.

– Intrinsic severity: Serious types of epilepsy tend to resist antiepilepsy drugs more.

– Target: Antiepilepsy drugs may target different receptors and pathways in the brain, which reduces the effectiveness. [4]