Ailments & ConditionsYour Health

10 Ways to Remove Varicose Veins


Keep your legs elevated while sitting down can be effective in alleviating pressure on the blood vessels. Make sure the legs are above or at least on the same height as your heart to improve blood circulation. This can help improve the symptoms of varicose veins and aid blood in flowing back to the heart. Also, avoid crossing your legs to reduce pressure on the veins. You should keep your legs elevated when sitting down for an extended period of time, such as rest or work. [7]


Another popular option to treat varicose veins is sclerotherapy. In this procedure, the doctor will inject a foam or saltwater solution into the affected veins. This may scar and close these veins. After several weeks, these veins should disappear. If done properly, sclerotherapy is a very effective treatment. However, it needs to be done more than once. The whole procedure can be done without anesthesia at the doctor’s office. If you have an allergy, make sure to consult your doctor before proceeding. [8]