Your Health

Saddle Sores – Symptoms, Causes, Treatments & More


Folliculitis is a form of saddle sores that causes inflammation in the base of hair follicles. It mostly occurs due to an accumulation of fungus or bacteria. The risk can be higher under the effect of friction from pedaling up and down. Folliculitis is a kind of skin issue. It may look like white or red pimples that are not painful. However, you may sometimes experience swelling or itching. All symptoms may subside and eventually disappear after a few weeks. [4]


If folliculitis is infected with staphylococcus bacteria, it may turn into furuncles, also known as boils. They can be found around the hair follicle’s base. Furuncles are mainly filled with pus, which can be painful and firm to the touch. In most cases, this type of saddle sores is quite harmless. You can easily manage the symptoms with the help of some home remedies or medications. If the pain persists and disrupts your lifestyle, make sure to talk with your healthcare provider.  [5]