Your Health

Can You Use Body Lotion on Your Face

Differences between Facial Skin and Body Skin

The main difference between facial skin and body skin is the thickness. The skin on the face is thinner than other parts of the body. It also has the highest number of sebaceous glands, which geneating oil based on environmental conditions and hormone changes. This makes the face more vulnerable to acne and other environmental factors, such as dryness or UV rays. On the other hand, skin on the feet and back is typically very thick and has bigger pores. It is also more resilient and stronger. [2]

Differences Between Body Lotion and Face Lotion

In general, face cream and body lotion are produced to serve different purposes, which reflect the differences in facial skin and body skin. Produces made for the body tend to have stronger exfoliating or moisturizing effects. Therefore, they can be too aggressive or tough for thin and sensitive skin on the face. On the other hand, face creams are specially designed to help protect this thin and delicate skin. Some skincare options for facial skin also target at specific problems on the face, such as wrinkles, dark spots, discolored skin, redness, or acne. These issues are more common on the face than on the body because of a high number of oil glands and thinner skin. [3]