Waxing is the process of eliminating unwanted hair in small and large areas of the body. It is known as a depilation method, meaning that the whole hair shaft will be removed from below the surface of your skin. Indeed, this is one of the most effective ways for temporary hair removal. There are many different forms of waxing, which can vary in purposes and processes. While it is often performed by professionals in salons, you can also learn some basic techniques and do them at home. Keep reading our guide to learn 8 basic waxing tips for newbies.
Start with a Patch Test
Before you start waxing, it is always advisable to do a patch test. Waxing products often contain a lot of fragrances or artificial substances. Some of these elements would lead to allergic reactions and cause serious health issues. Therefore, testing beforehand on a small area of the skin will help you prevent these problems. Keep in mind to wait at least 1 day after the test to ensure that there is no irritation or inflammation. Do not forget to read the labels carefully and learn about the list of ingredients. If necessary, ask your healthcare provider for better advice. [1]