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Sclerotherapy for Varicose and Spider Veins

Possible Risks and Side Effects

You may experience minor burning cramping, or stinging in the injected vein during sclerotherapy. You tend to be painful during the procedure, especially if the sclerosing agent leaks into surrounding tissues. There are several common side effects of sclerotherapy, such as bruising, stinging, swelling, skin discoloration, discomfort, raised red areas that appear around the injection sites. All of these side effects should subside in a few days, but brown lines or spots can develop near the treatment area. These normally disappear within three to six months, but in some cases this side effect can last longer or may become permanent.

More serious side effects include allergic reaction to the sclerosing agent, inflammation that is usually mild can cause discomfort around the injection site, ulceration of skin around the injection site, blood clot formation in the treated veins. To help increase the efficacy of the procedure and manage any potential side effects, you should be in touch with your healthcare provider after sclerotherapy treatment.