Ailments & Conditions

Scalp Psoriasis vs Dandruff – Tips for Identification

Other Conditions with Similar Symptoms

Some other medical conditions may also lead to similar symptoms to scalp psoriasis and dandruff. These include:

– Seborrheic dermatitis: This is a more severe form of psoriasis that happens when the immune system responds to yeast on the skin. It may cause similar symptoms not only on the scalp, but also other parts of the body. The condition is more prevalent in adolescents and babies.

– Eczema: This common skin disorder leads to flaky, red, and dry skin in many parts of the body.

– Tinea capitis, also called scalp ringworm, is a fungal infection that causes flaking.

– Cradle cap: This form of seborrheic dermatitis may lead to scaly, greasy, and yellow dandruff in babies.

– Contact dermatitis: This condition is typically caused by using conditioners, shampoos, or cosmetic products. [5]