Your Health

Lower Body Lift: Procedure, Results & More

Benefits of a Lower Body Lift

A lower body lift can remove excess tissue, fat, and skin in the lower abdomen. In addition, this procedure involves the tightening and reshaping of the flanks, buttocks, and thighs. So, if you are looking for these effects, then you can benefit from a lower body lift. Some studies have also found a possible link between this surgery and psychological benefits, especially a better sense of body image. In other words, changes in the body after the procedure can make people feel more confident and attractive. [3]

Possible Risks of a Lower Body Lift

Like other surgical or invasive procedures, a lower body lift may pose some health risks. These include:

– Blood clots

– Fat or skin necrosis

– Excessive bleeding

– Unwanted skin discoloration or scarring

– Wound separation or slow wound healin

– Persistent pain or swelling

– Pulmonary and cardiac complications

– Deep vein thrombosis

– Sagging or loose skin

– Permanent or temporary loss or change of skin sensation

It is important to inform your doctor immediately as soon as you experience more serious complications, such as excessive bleeding, abnormal heartrates, shortness of breath, or chest pain. [4]