Your Health

8 Common Facts about Estrogen

Types of Estrogen

In general, estrogen can be divided into three main types:

– Estradiol

Both women and men have estradiol in the body. This is the most common form of estrogen in women during the reproduction years. High estradiol levels might lead to depression, osteoporosis, loss of sex drive, and acne. When the amount is excessive, it would even increase the risk of breast and uterine cancer. Nevertheless, low levels may cause cardiovascular issues and weight gain.

– Estrone

Estrone is present in those women after menopause. This weaker type of estrogen and be converted to other forms.

– Estriol

Estriol levels are high in pregnant women. It helps with the growth of the uterus and birth. Before delivery is the time when estriol levels reach a peak. [2]