Your Health

Methylcobalamin vs Cyanocobalamin

Methylcobalamin versus Cyanocobalamin: Absorption and Retention

A major difference between cyanocobalamin and methylcobalamin is how the body absorbs and retains them. Some studies have found out that the body can absorb cyanocobalamin a bit better than methylcobalamin. A study suggested that humans’ bodies could absorb around 44 percent of a 1-mcg dose of methylcobalamin, compared to 49 percent of the same dose of cyanocobalamin.

In contrast, another research comparing cyanocobalamin and methylcobalamin suggested that the excretion of cyanocobalamin in urination is around 3 times as much as that of methylcobalamin. This indicates that the body can retain methylcobalamin better. Nevertheless, some studies find out that differences in the two forms’ bioavailability might be insignificant. Also, other factors like genetics and age can affect absorption.

Currently, studies that directly compare cyanocobalamin and methylcobalamin are still limited. More research is still needed to measure the retention and absorption of these two forms, especially in healthy adults. [3]