Food & Nutrition

Side Effects of Too Much Vitamin D

Vitamin D plays an important role in the absorption of calcium and bone strength. Also, it is a key nutrient for muscles, the nervous system, and the immune system. A deficiency of this element may increase the risk of seasonal affective disorder, depression, and many other health issues. However, in some cases, people may take too much vitamin D, a condition also known as hypervitaminosis D or vitamin D toxicity. Below are some possible side effects that you should know when taking in too much vitamin D.

Kidney Issues

Too much vitamin D may lead to kidney issues, injury, or damage. When the levels of this nutrient are high, the body absorbs more calcium. As a result, kidney stones may be formed. Nevertheless, studies have found that more severe kidney damages may occur in the long run. These calcium deposits would cause a condition called nephrocalcinosis, which may subsequently result in kidney failure or permanent damages to the kidney. In mild cases, medications and intravenous or oral hydration may help treat kidney failure. [1]

Digestive Issues

Diarrhea, constipation, and stomach cramp are common digestive issues in people with high levels of vitamin D. These problems may be caused by increased calcium levels. They often happen in those people who receive high doses of the vitamin to correct a deficiency. Specific effects can vary a lot from person to person even when levels of vitamin D in the blood increase similarly. Keep in mind that these are very common digestive issues associated with other conditions, such as irritable bowel syndrome or food intolerances. [2]